Thank you Converse Candids Photography for getting some great shots at the trade show! Austin Public Schools Pacelli Catholic Schools

Other News From Around The Same Time

Friday Lindsay Leif met with us to cover how taxes work.  Leif Tax Services is a family run business that has been in Austin since 1948 and was started by Lindsay’s grandpa. This ...
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Friday Lindsay Leif met with us to cover how taxes work. Leif Tax Services is a family run business that has been in Austin since 1948 and was started by Lindsay’s grandpa. This ...

One of the best parts of CEO is the connections that last from alumni to parents to mentors to investors to future students for next year and beyond!  Such an amazing community! Austin ...
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One of the best parts of CEO is the connections that last from alumni to parents to mentors to investors to future students for next year and beyond! Such an amazing community! Austin ...

Anita shared some great thoughts on her experience and leveraging her opportunities!  Love that Rao’s Roast has pushed her to grow so much! Austin Public Schools Pacelli Catholic ...
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Anita shared some great thoughts on her experience and leveraging her opportunities! Love that Rao’s Roast has pushed her to grow so much! Austin Public Schools Pacelli Catholic ...

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